Academy of Martial Arts (AMA) Logo

Academy of Martial Arts (AMA)

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About Us

Martial arts training is more than only physical activity. AMA has a structured program that has a positive impact on the entire personality of the trainee. Our program focuses on nurturing the personal capabilities of each student to strive for excellence in every struggle of life.
AMA’s martial arts program is taught and guided by market-recognized skilled trainers with the highest qualifications in the field of martial arts and more than a combined 50 years of training experience. The program combines physical exercises with discipline and training in situational analysis, critical thinking, and execution of controlled, measured responses. This program creates an attitude of realizing personal capabilities and utilizing available resources to achieve desired results.
The valuable skills and healthy habits acquired during these classes have a life-changing positive impact that lasts the entire life of the trainee.

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Team AMA
Contact: 03331344115

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