Al Shaheer Corporation

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About Us

Al Shaheer Foods is the market leader in Pakistan’s large meat industry. It was established as a partnership in 2008, setting up a world class abattoir in Gadap Town, Karachi.

Initially, the company only exported red meat to Dubai, followed by Saudi Arabia to become a trusted supplier of high quality and Halal meat to importers across GCC countries. In 2010, Al Shaheer Foods entered the domestic fresh meat market laying the foundation for the first ever red meat brand in Pakistan – Meat One. All kinds of fresh meat are sold under the umbrella of this brand through company owned outlets.

A second brand, Khaas, positioned as an economy brand targeting the neighborhood butcheries, was launched in 2014. Later, a shop-in-shop model was also developed to increase reach by opening meat sections in high traffic superstores. In addition to serving export and retail markets,an Institutional Sales unit was formally launched with an objective of catering exclusively to the needs of bulk consumers, mainly HORECA and offices/institutions, providing high quality meat tailored to the requirements of the consumers.

From a small partnership, the company has grown into a national corporation in just 8years.
The company went public in 2015 and is now listed on the Stock Exchange.

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