BRR Guardian Modaraba

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About Us

The first merger in the history of Modarabas took place when B.R.R. Second Modaraba and Equity International Modaraba merged with and into B.R.R. Capital Modaraba on March 1, 1998. The name of B.R.R. Capital Modaraba was subsequently changed to B.R.R. International Modaraba on April 14, 1998. As a result of the merger the paid up fund of B.R.R. International Modaraba rose to Rs.481.93 million making it the largest Modaraba in Pakistan in terms of equity. The Modaraba offers lease financing to corporate entities as well as creditworthy individuals. The Modaraba also provides Musharaka, Morabaha and Equity Investments to cater the requirements of Trade & Industry. The Modaraba is unique among leasing companies and Modarabas in offering building leases. It offers the acquisition of buildings for its commercial clients through the medium of a building lease. The scheme provides both for the lease of a building on land owned by the client, or alternatively a lease encompassing both the provision of land and a building thereon.

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