Cinnabon Bakery Cafe  - Gulberg 3 Branch Logo

Cinnabon Bakery Cafe  - Gulberg 3 Branch

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About Us

In 1985, Rich and Greg Komen of Restaurants Unlimited in Seattle, WA wanted to create "the world's best cinnamon roll" for a new concept they were developing. They hired a local food connoisseur, and after three months, hundreds of kitchen experiments and many trips to Indonesia to find the best, most flavorful cinnamon, the team perfected the Cinnabon recipe and opened the first Cinnabon bakery on December 5, 1985 at Sea Tac Mall.

From there, the Cinnabon brand has grown into a worldwide phenomenon with unmatched crave appeal, serving baked goods such as the famous Classic Roll, Minibon, Cinnabon Bites, Caramel Pecanbon, CinnaPacks and Cinnabon Stix - all made with our signature Makara Cinnamon - as well as specialty beverages like the Mochalatta Chill and various flavors of Chillattas frozen beverages.

Whatever you're in the mood for, we believe that Life Needs Frosting®. Our motto represents our world-famous goodies, but even more than that, it's our very reason to be: We provide the balance you need in life. For moms with kids and shopping bags in tow, travelers with suitcases galore, students who need a study break or anyone who wants to splurge a little - Cinnabon is your escape, your mini vacation, your frosting in life.


Maker of the world’s most famous cinnamon rolls, along with plenty of other baked goodies and specialty beverages.

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