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Customs Public School

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About Us

Education plays the most important role in building up the edifice of a nation.

Modern education has in itself become a research oriented and ever evolving process rather

than remaining a set of prescribed syllabi and traditional teaching skills. It lays stress on

awakening self-awareness and nurturing students innate talents. It was with the objective of

combining professional excellence with zealous commitment that the first branch of

Customs Public School was set up in Lahore in 1982. The efforts of the Collectorate of

Customs and Central Excise Lahore, in establishment of this institution were enormous, and

therefore deserve special mention. While laying foundation stone of the institution, the

main consideration was to provide a conducive academic atmosphere and excellent

teaching facilities to the children of departmental employees, in particular, and public, in

general. Since its establishment, Customs Public School has very successfully catered to the

needs of the students in rapidly changing world. The school is run on the basis of “No profit

No loss”.

A child is an asset of a nation, a responsibility for a society but certainly not an object

of personal property for anyone. One of the chief concerns for the educationists world over

is to find a balance between unobstructed growth of a students as an individual and his

grooming as an inseparable part of a social unit. That’s why early years of a kid’s life are also

termed as the formatic phase of his life. At that particular juncture the requirement is to

spot the natural inclinations hidden and encourage the growth in a way which may serve the

child most in future and Customs Public School is doing the needful.

We, all the people at CPS have always tried to mould our children in such a way that

they emerge as confident, caring and enquiring individuals capable of making right choices

and correct decisions and responsible citizens having the ability to differentiate between

right and wrong and having the courage to favour what is right and to oppose what is

wrong. We feel proud to share, that old Customonians (students passed out from CPS) are

serving in the most prestigious professions including medicine, engineering, management

law, civil services, forces etc. We hope Inshallah that our students will keep on bringing laurels to their institution in future also. Ameen!

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