DA Montessori-1 Logo

DA Montessori-1

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About Us

DHA has a number of well-reputed and prestigious educational institutions. DA Montessori is one of them, which is the most important one. Montessori system of education is the key of constructing a well-balanced human being.

The Montessori institution caters exclusively for the richest period of human development, which is 1 year 3 months to 6 years of age. The students graduating from this institution, seek admission not only in DA schools but go to various renowned schools of the city such as St. Patrick School, Mama Parsi Girls School, St. Micheal School, Foundation Public School, Beacon House School System, City School and so on.

The Ex-Administrator DHA, Brig. Ghazanfar Azam inaugurated DHA Montessori, in May 1997. It is located in the area of Sea View Township. It is an octagonal building. This building is uniquely constructed keeping in mind the entire educational needs of younger children for the years to come.

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