Farooq Hospital Logo

Farooq Hospital

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About Us

Farooq Hospital Main Murree Expressway Bahria Golf City is a 500 Bedded Tertiary care hospital. This hospital is purpose Built having 7 modern Modular Operation theatres,15 Bed Intensive Care Unit, 16 Bed Cardiac Care Unit,30 Bed Modern Cardiac, Adult, and Paediatric Emergency, More than 20 Spacious wards, 8 Bed Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, 8 Bed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,12 Bed Neonatal Well Baby and Sick Baby Nursery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department,16 Bed Labour room, 30 Executive and Private Rooms, 15 Bed Dedicated Pre Op and Post Op Area and 5 Bed Dialysis Unit.


Farooq Hospital Main Murree Expressway Bahria Golf City is a 500 Bedded Tertiary care hospital

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