Hayat Computers Logo

Hayat Computers

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9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM


About Us

Hayat Computers is established in year 1981, specializing in the field of Monitors and Computer Peripherals. Hayat Computers has always played a major role in the introduction of new products in Pakistan and always took bold steps to introduce high end products and Well known for its Dstributership Products in market like Apple Computers, Epson printers, Star printers, Viewsonic Monitors, Samsung Monitors, MAG Innovation (Presently known as VIZIO) Legend Chassis (No.1 Chassis Brand in Pakistan), Dell Laptops and SME solutions and Data monitors in a very price conservative market.

Currently the company is providing its services in the area of computer hardware / accessories / system support and hardware sales. We maintain a cutting edge over our competition by having a team of experienced, skillful and well-qualified people, who can understand your needs precisely and help in solving your computing requirements.A success of any product depends on the people behind it. The primary policy of the company has always been to provide optimum backup support warranty for its products and customer satisfaction

We have provided services to some of the best names in the industry and have a very large network of dealers all over Pakistan. This goes on to show the level of commitment and dedication on our part, The Head office is located at Suite-204, 2nd Floor, Clifton Center, Block-5, Clifton, and branch offices In Islamabad and Lahore Hayat Computers has a chain of dealer and stockiest network throughout the country. Since 1981 Hayat has proven its existence and has maintained a remarkable Trusted name and excellent market reputation.

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