Institute of Architects Pakistan

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About Us

The Institute of Architects, Pakistan (IAP) was established in 1957 by a small group of architects who had been trained in the west and either worked for the government or were in practice. IAP was formally registered in 1968 under the Societies Act, and subsequently registered in 1968 under the Companies Ordinance, with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) with the following objectives:

To organize the profession of architecture in Pakistan and look after professional interests as well as those of the public in general concerned with the building profession.

To promote the cause of Architecture in Pakistan and to assist in the setting up of schools of architecture throughout the country.

To enforce a code of ethics and discipline among practicing architects and for this purpose to promote the passing of a statutory Registration Act for architects in Pakistan.

To establish contact with other national and international professional bodies of architects throughout the world, and

To conduct research and organize seminars, conferences and exhibitions for promoting the cause of the architectural profession.

Over the years IAP has to its credit the establishment of the first school of architecture in Karachi, in 1954, which was subsequently upgraded to a five-year degree program. Members of IAP have been instrumental in setting up and running many of the other architecture schools in the country. Apart from the majority of the full-time faculty who are members of IAP, a large numbers of senior members of IAP are associated with schools as visiting professors, thesis advisors or jurors.

Through the consistent efforts and lobbying of IAP, the profession of Architecture and Town Planning received the due recognition and protection with the establishment of the statutory registration body, Pakistan Council of Architects & Town Planners (PCATP) in 1983.

IAP has conducted several architectural design competitions at local, national and international levels for the government and corporate clients.

There are currently over 1000 fellow and associates members borne on the register of IAP, besides over 300 candidates and student members.

International Affiliations

IAP has been a member of the following international organizations:

International Union of Architects (UIA)

Commonwealth Association Of Architects (CAA)

Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA), and

SAARC Association of Architects (SAARCH)

Members of IAP have been on the Council of UIA in different periods and have been very actively involved with ARCASIA since its inception and held various offices including the Chairmanship, twice, during the last twenty-four years.


IAP has currently four Chapters covering the entire country:

a) Karachi Chapter covers the Provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan

b) Lahore Chapter covers the Province of Punjab

c) Rawalpindi-Islamabad Chapter covers Islamabad Federal Area and the Northern Areas

d) Peshawar Chapter covers NWFP

There is one more Chapter likely to be added during the coming year: Quetta Chapter covering Baluchistan.

The four Chapters have been very active in organizing several events in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi, for the members. The activities include the hosting of conferences and symposia, workshops and lectures, conducting design competitions for professionals and students, organizing local and international architectural exhibitions and agitating with the concerned government authorities on issues of environment, architectural education, built heritage, civic amenities and building bye-laws, and city planning.

Nominees of IAP serve on many committees of the Local, Provincial and Federal Government bodies and are involved in assisting the government at different levels including revision of building byelaws of different towns and cities. IAP also organizes design competitions for the government and corporate clientele.

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