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About Us

Kaliber.pk is an online store in Pakistan that offers a diverse range of games, toys, and art supplies. Catering to children and hobbyists alike, Kaliber.pk provides an extensive selection of products designed to inspire creativity and fun. Our inventory includes educational toys, board games, puzzles, action figures, and a variety of art supplies such as paints, brushes, and craft materials. Committed to quality and affordability.


Kaliber.pk is an online store in Pakistan that offers a diverse range of games, toys, and art supplies. Catering to children and hobbyists alike, Kaliber.pk provides an extensive selection of products designed to inspire creativity and fun. Our inventory includes educational toys, board games, puzzles, action figures, and a variety of art supplies such as paints, brushes, and craft materials. Committed to quality and affordability.

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