Khalid Rice Mills

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About Us

Khalid Rice Mills is a partnership company registered with the registrar of companies in Pakistan. The mill is located in the rice growing area of Sheikhupura District of Punjab (Nankana Sahib) in Pakistan.

The mill started operation in the year 1970. the company’s activities comprise purchasing, storage, milling, processing, packing and sale of rice. The milling / processing mill is well equipped with local and imported machines, including latest Colour Sorter machine from Japan. The company annual turn over is well over Rs. 500 million and is increasing.

Company Operations:

Khalid rice mills main business is exports of rice. The company exports White Rice & Brown Basmati Rice.

Company’s Personnel:

The partners / director in the company also supervise entire operations, most of them have more the 20 years of experience in the rice field.

The company prepares a plan of sales of rice in consultation with the sales department for the whole year quantifying each quality of rice required. On the basis of this plan target of sales are prepared for the sales department.

Keeping in view the sales targets, Finance department prepares cash flow and requirements of rice for the whole year.

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