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M.Ayub & Brothers

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About Us

About Us

M.Ayub Brothers was established in 1972 as a trading company in Lahore Pakistan and started to sell Erma Japan Micorcoscopes and Memert Oven/Incubators in Pakistan. Soon after we realized the importance of consumables/chemicals and started selling Merck chemicals, Pyrex Glassware and Plasticware from different companies in Pakistan. In 1999, we started business with Acros Organics(Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific in Pakistan and in 2001 we become it's official sole distributor for Chemicals. Under Acros Organics Umberalla we have these brands available Acros Organics,Fisher Chemicals UK, "Fisher Chemicals USA, Fisher Bioreagents, Maybridge .

In 2006 we have been awarded representation of M/s Fisher Scientific USA and since then we have been selling full range of Fisher Scientific Catalog items in Pakistan. These include Fisherbrand Scientific Equipments, Fisherbrand Glassware, Fisherbrand Platsicware and lots of other consumables.

We also represent M/s Vision Scientific Korea for the Scientific Equipments. Vision Scientific product range includes low price equipments for Laboratory use. We also represent M/s Agdia Inc USA for the Plant Pathology and Viruses.

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