Management Association of Pakistan (MAP) Logo

Management Association of Pakistan (MAP)

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9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM


About Us

The Management Association of Pakistan, was formed in 1964 to meet the impending demand for managerial talent within the country, consequent to the rapid increase in industrialization.

The Association is a non-political and non-profit organization. It has been registered by guarantee with its registered office in Karachi since 1967. A Lahore Chapter has recently started working as well.

MAP has about 250 institutional and more than 495 individual members. MAP’s Institutional members contribute a significant portion of Pakistan’s GDP. MAP’s mandate is to further management thought, practice and advocacy. The affairs of MAP are managed by an elected high-powered 10 member Executive Committee, including 4 Office Bearers designated as President, Vice President, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. The Executive Committee comprises of corporate entities and leading Business Institutions such as Pakistan Cables, Engro Foods, EBM, Orient McCaan, The Jang Group, IOBM, Attock Cement, Sicpa Inks Pakistan, Century 21st, and KPMG -Taseer Hadi &Co Etc.

MAP’s Vision Statement

To Lead the Change Process Towards Best Management Practices.

MAP’s Mission Statement

Management Association of Pakistan is committed to excellence in management through human capital development, creating awareness and recognizing best management practices to enhancing competitiveness.


Serve as a forum for interaction for individuals and organizations concerned with and interested in various disciplines of Management.

Acquire, collect, collate and disseminate information on management practices by conducting training sessions, workshops, and holding seminars and conferences on good management practices.

Exchange information with other bodies, nationally and internationally and collaborate with them.

Encourage business concerns to join the association and individuals to qualify for individual and other forms of membership.

Lay down standards of knowledge, training and experience in the practice of management appropriate to various grades of membership of the association.


MAP has 250 Institutional members and 495 Individual members. Presently, MAP has following classes of membership:

A) Honorary Members – who shall be individuals who rendered outstanding service in the field of management and who shall

have been invited by the Committee to join the Association as Honorary Member.

B) Institutional Members – any firm, corporation, government enterprise, educational institute, Chamber of Commerce and Industry

or other like institution interested in the development of management shall be eligible for Institutional Membership.

Institutional Members are divided into three groups:

1) Type A – will comprise of organizations/institutions having less than 100 employees.

2) Type B– will comprise of organizations/institutions having more than 100 but less than 500 employees.

3) Type C – will comprise of organizations/institutions having more than 500 employees.

C) Individual Members – persons having an interest and association within the field of management, who wish to become individual

members, without any affiliations with the organization they are attached to professionally, on an individual basis.

D) Student Members – any person, between the age of 20 and 35 years, enrolled as a student of an institution teaching management

subjects or of a management association for its professional examination.

Training programs

The Association organizes lectures, seminars, workshops and panel discussions etc. independently as well as in collaboration with various Universities / Organizations. The programs are mostly of short duration in view of the preoccupation of senior level Executives. MAP on the average holds two seminars/workshops each month with the aim of educating the membership on best management practices.


Management Association of Pakistan’s 15th Convention was held at Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi on 4th & 5th December 2013. The convention was organized by MAP and the lead partner for the event was Pakistan’s leading training & management services provider, Octara Pvt Limited.

The convention featured renowned global thought leaders and eminent futurists including Dr. José Luis Cordeiro – PhD, M.Sc – MIT USA, Mr. Rohit Talwar – Award Winning Global Futurist and Mr. Roger Harrop – renowned Leadership & Business Growth Speaker. Prominent Pakistani leading visionaries such as Dr. Ishrat Hussain – Former Governor State Bank of Pakistan and Mr. Hussain Dawood – Chairman Dawood Hercules Corporation, presented a local perspective towards the change process for organizations in future.

The prominent feature of the convention was the Panel discussion on the topic “Leaders of the Future” which was moderated by Mr. Ramiz Allawala – renowned management speaker, and constituted of notable panelists including Mr. Muhammad Aliuddin Ansari – President & CEO, Engro Corporation, Mr. Amir Paracha – VP Customer Development, Unilever Pakistan Ltd, Dr. Zeelaf Munir – Chairperson, Executive Management Board, English Biscuits Manufacturers, Mr. Naeem Zamindar – Chief Executive Officer, Wateen Telecom Private Limited, Mr. Rohit Talwar and Mr. José Luis Cordeiro; who shared their profound insights and their perspective to leadership challenges and future of organizations. Ms. Rabia Gharib was the Master of Ceremonies for the Convention.

The convention was followed by two in-depth workshops, held on December 5, 2013 that focused on the most pressing issues for today’s organizations. These half-day each workshops – “Creating Future-Focused Organizations” and “Human Enhancement for Future Organizations”, were led by Mr. Rohit Talwar and Mr. José Luis Cordeiro respectively and attended by over 300 participants from various organizations around the country.

Corporate Excellence Awards

MAP is committed to excellence in management through human capital development with an objective to bring Pakistan’s corporate sector at par with the global market. The aim of MAP is to establish Corporate Excellence and in pursuit of this objective MAP instituted its Corporate Excellence Award in 1982. Since then, every year MAP recognizes the best managed companies in Pakistan that follow guidelines and principles of latest management techniques by awarding them Corporate Excellence Awards through an extensive, transparent process. MAP is holding its 29th Corporate Excellence Award on 22nd August 2013.

Alliance with other International Management Associations

MAP has established close and cordial relationships with other International management bodies.

AAMO: MAP is a full member of Asian Association of Management Organizations (AAMO) with the objective of not only interacting with other like minded international bodies, but also with a view to facilitating our membership with a learning experience for enhancing their management skills and knowledge at an international level. Under the auspices of AAMO, each year MAP sends two MAP members for the study tour of South East Asia region under their program: “Leadership Journey for Young Managers.”

AIMA: MAP has concluded an MOU with All India Management Association (AIMA) so that the two bodies could benefit from each other’s experience and knowledge in the field of management. This will provide an opportunity to MAP and AIMA to explore greater collaborative management related activities for their members.

AIM: MAP has been appointed as a country representative in Pakistan by Asian Institute of Management,Philippines for conducting admission tests and facilitating admissions for AIM.

LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS: IoBM- Institute of Business Management and ICC- International Chamber of Commerce.


MAP offers opportunity to network with management professionals in Pakistan and be a part of MAP's vision i.e To Lead the Change Process Towards Best Management Practices.

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