Marathon Construction Company (Pvt.) Ltd. Logo

Marathon Construction Company (Pvt.) Ltd.

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9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


About Us

We take pleasure to introduce ourselves as a "FIRM OF ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTOR" having 31 years vast and varied experience of Engineering and Construction work.

We are registered with Pakistan Engineering Council as ´NO LIMIT CONTRACTOR´ in Category C – B.

We are also approved/pre-qualified ´NO LIMIT CONTRACTOR´ with all the major National, International Corporations and Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous Bodies for bidding. Turn-key, EPC, Gallop and other type of contracts in Pakistan, and abroad (including Nigeria).

We have pride of being a Member of International Pipeline Contractor´s Association. Internationally known and recognized CONTRACTOR in Pakistan and abroad.

Our major fields of activities are as under:


Construction of Oil/Gas/Water/Waste Water/Chemical Pipelines & Utilities:

Route surveying, R.O.W. Marking, Grading and Trenching, Pipe Transportation, Stringing, Welding, Cleaning, Priming, Coating and Wrapping, Air Testing, Laying, Backfilling, Tie-in, Pipe Bending, Pigging, Hydrostatic Testing and Commissioning, Installing R.D. Marker and Cathodic Posts, Fabrication, Erection, Valve Assemblies, Piping, Manifold, Pipeline Crossings and all Civil work. Cement Mortar Lining Water Pipeline Internally. Also Guniting Cement Mortar Externally, On Pipe, Wall Surface and Structure.

Gas Gathering System:

Gas Gathering Pipelines/Header/Transmission Pipeline, Survey, Planning, Soil, Investigation, Developing Well-Head area, Connections and installation of Dehydration/Separator units & other Process/Purification Plants, Instrument, Inter-connections, Piping, Mechanical and Electrical work with Solar Electrical System, Instrumentation, Hydro Testing and Commissioning. All Foundations, Supports, Crossings and other Civil works.

Pipeline Crossing:

Pipeline Crossing, Over Bridge/Barrage, On Piles, Suspended and Thrust Bored under Canal, Road and Railways. Include all Civil, Mechanical works and also Expansion Loops etc. Tie-in, Testing and Commissioning.

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) CAPABILITIY:

We have executed 20" Diameter x 0.438" W.T. Gas (Steel) Pipeline under Canal by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) System 05 crossings total length 736 RM. 16" Diameter x 0.375 W.T. Gas (Steel) Pipeline under Canal by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) System 04 crossings total length 645 RM.

Pipeline En-route Station (Facility):

Construction of Oil and Gas/Pumping (Booster) and Compressor Station with associate Facilities i.e. Civil/Mechanical, Piping , Structural Fabrication, Erection and Installation, Instrumentation, Testing and Commissioning. Residential Colony and Maintenance Facilities etc. Hot Drilling, Tapping, Stopple Plugging and Bye-pass fitting on existing Pipeline.

Oil and Gas Field Facilities/Refinery/Petro Chemical Plant:

Fabrication, Erection of Oil and Gas Process/Purification/ Dehydration/Condensate Plant, and all Piping, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, RCC & Steel Structural works.

Installation of Compressor/Separator units, Cooler, Scrubber, Slug Catcher etc. Piping, Supports, Skids and Inter-connection of complete system, Electrical and Instrumentation, Testing and Commissioning. Construction and Installation HRSG Units with Stack & Foundations. Hydrolyser/Stripper Column and associated Equipment. Construction & Erection of Water and Sewerage Treatment Plant complete with Foundations and Disposal System.

Fabrication and Erection of Tanks:

Fabrication, Erection of Oil/Water Steel Storage Tanks, Ladders, Structural Work, Heat Exchanger etc.

Installation of Pumps, Piping and other Mechanical works including Foundation, Instrument and Electrical work. Earthen Dykes with Brick Pitching and other Civil work.

Machinery/Equipment Erection:

Transportation and Erection of heavy Equipment/Machinery Skids, Turbines, Compressors, Generators, Pumps, Vessel Heat Exchanger, Boilers maximum lift 200 tons and height 150 ft. Extensive Rigging experience and heavy Lifts, including Alignment, Leveling etc. complete with associated facilities and heavy foundations.

Steel Structure and associated works:

Pre-fabrication and Installation Steel Structure Bridges, Gantry, Beams, Trusses, Buildings, Skids, Boiler components (non-pressure parts), Supports and associated works. Supporting workshop facilities.

Pre-fabrication of Spools (as per developed isometrics), Erection and welding of piping, Valves, Bends & other Specials. Inter-connections of Pipeline networks, Cyclone, Dykes, Vessels, Stacks, Trusses and Walkway etc.

Fire Water Alarm System:

Laying, Water Lines, Main and Distribution. Installation of Hydrants, Monitor, Valves, Specials and Fitting etc. Pump Station and all Civil work. Providing Fire Extinguisher, Hose, Nozzle etc.

Electrical and Instrumentation works:

Installation of panels/MCC and Motors/Generators. Also Laying and Testing of Cable, Terminations and Energizing, Lighting System and Control Cabling. N.D.T systems – X-ray Machine, Ultrasonic inspection available in house.

Installation of Electronic/Solid State Systems, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control Systems. Instrument Calibration, Installation and Testing.


Blast cleaning to SA 2½ and then Paint-Airless Spray System with all types of Paint materials. Also Thermal Insulation System installation along with special Machinery/Workshop for metal working.

Foundation and Other Civil Works:

Heavy foundations for Vessels, equipment, Machinery, Water Retaining and Oil Tanks, Supports/Anchors etc. Earth works, Embankment, Dykes, Bund Wall, Stone/Brick Pitching etc. RCC/Combined Steel Structure Shed/Store Buildings, Residential Colony, Workshops & Roads, Lighting, Sewerage etc. Camp construction by Portable Cabins (Container) office, Messing & Residential units arrangements

Water Supply Pipeline and Pump Station:

Construction of Rising Main, Penstock, Trunk Main, Conduit, Syphon, Pump House & Pumping Station, Clarifier Tank & Treatment Plants, Manhole Chambers, Thrust Blocks with Civil and Mechanical work.

Cleaning, Coating and Wrapping external surface Encasement with cement concrete. Internal Cement Mortar Lining 4" to 84" Ø Steel Pipeline and externally Gunited with Cement Mortar – up to 4" thickness. Installation of Turbine/Centrifugal/Plunger/Submersible Pumps, Associated Piping, Manifold/Interconnections and all Civil and Mechanical work.

Construction of Irrigation Projects:

Small Irrigation System, Main Canal- Hydraulic structure, Falls Cross and Head Regulator. Aqueduct and Bridges. Canal brick/Concrete Lining. Tile drainage (SCARP), Surface Drainage and Agricultural Development work. Construction of Dam Weir, Sluice, Vertical/Redial gates with Hosting arrangements. Earthen Embankment, Spur Coffer Dam, Earth work & Steel Sheet Piling. Rehabilitation of Canal/Regulators, Dredging etc. Sand Blasting all Steel work, Priming & Coating Paints. Residential Colony, Work Shop, Compound wall, Water Supply, Road, Lighting, Drainage System.


We take pleasure to introduce ourselves as a "FIRM OF ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTOR" having 30 years vast and varied experience of Engineering and Construction work.

We are registered with Pakistan Engineering Council as ´NO LIMIT CONTRACTOR´ in Category C – B .

We are also approved/pre-qualified ´NO LIMIT CONTRACTOR´ with all the major National, International Corporations and Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous Bodies for bidding.

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