Mrs. Haque’s Nursery Logo

Mrs. Haque’s Nursery

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About Us

Mrs. Haque’s Nursery & Haque Academy offer an educational program that fosters a love of learning. Over the past 36 years, Mrs. Haque’s Nursery has grown from a school of seven families to a pre-nursery through O Level school on two separate campuses in Karachi, Pakistan.

While circumstances of today are not the same as those of 1977, the needs of children and the importance of an excellent educational environment are as compelling as they have ever been. The school seeks to enroll students and families who are committed to the mission of the School and who will be positive and cooperative members of the community.

Haque Academy does not separate preparation for college from preparation for life. The process of learning is as important as the educational information which is imparted. The School’s commitment to an education for character has defined who we are. We are proud of our history, the quality and breadth of our educational programs, and, most important, of the articulate, self-confident, and responsible citizens our students become.

We invite you to explore our website for information about the history, philosophy, curriculum and programmes. We are pleased that you are interested in our school and we look forward to meeting you.


Mrs. Haque’s Nursery is recognized as one of the leading institutions of Early Childhood Education. At the time the school was founded, there were few, if any, preschools offering a developmentally appropriate and progress learning environment. Hence, over the years, Mrs. Haque’s Nursery has come to be recognized as one of the pioneers of early childhood education in Karachi. Today, the school provides an education experience for children seventeen months through three years of age.

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