nizams kathi roll saba commercial Logo

nizams kathi roll saba commercial

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About Us

In subcontinent, the bamboo skewers were called Kathi, which were used in grilling Kababs or Boti. The grilled Kababs were used as the filling for the rolls, thus the name was coined as Kathi Rolls.

We at Nizam's, have tried our best to keep the original taste alive. Our Kathi roll is a delicious 10 inchers wrap that contains scrumptious and flavorful fillings enfolded in a layer of egg in a light non greasy Tawa Paratha.

Nizam's Kathi serves the food of the East! Our specialties are Kathi Rolls, Dum Biryani and Kakori Kabab!


Nizam's Kathi Roll, serves food of the East! Our specialties are Kathi Rolls, Dum Biryani and Kakori Kabab!

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