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Pace Pakistan Limited

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About Us

For over a decade, Pace (Pakistan) Limited has offered unmatched services to customers and investors through a dedicated team of professionals. As a leader in commercial development from as far back as 1995, the company’s vision based on creating unique environments for consumers offering “one stop” shopping solution has created a door of opportunities within the shopping business and real estate sector.

Pace is currently expanding with a number of new ventures in the real estate and hospitality sectors, including shopping malls, office buildings, business centers, modern housing schemes, apartment complexes and multi-use projects.

Today, with multiple projects in commercial and residential development, Pace enjoys unparalleled brand equity and goodwill both locally and internationally. The Company has been assigned long term and short term entity ratings of “A” (single A) and “A1” (single A one), respectively by PACRA in July 2009.

PACE is part of a larger conglomerate, the First Capital Group, which owns and operates a number of businesses in the financial services, real estate development, media and telecom sectors in Pakistan and abroad.


Pace (Pakistan) Limited (“the Company”) is a public limited Company incorporated in

Pakistan and listed on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges. The object of the

Company is to build, acquire, manage and sell condominiums, departmental stores,

shopping plazas, super markets, utility stores, housing societies and to carry out

commercial, industrial other related activities in and out of Pakistan.

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