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Perfect Next (Pvt) Ltd

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About Us

Our Vision is to be the definitive HR Consultancy and Recruitment Solutions partner for all our clients.

Dear Madam/Sir,

Thank you for taking the time to review our Perfect Next Pvt Ltd. introduction letter.
Perfect Next is a family owned, local business with several years of commercial cleaning and janitorial services experience. Most of our experience has been gained subcontracting services for a big company and now, we have decided to create direct relationship with clients, to offer them a more personalized service and more efficient costs while eliminating intermediaries.
Our company is and had provided cleaning and janitorial services to corporate and retails companies like Banks, Hospitals, and Commercial Plaza etc. Government buildings like, Courthouse, and BC Ministries building among others.
Each and every one of our professional cleaners is thoroughly trained, insured and bonded and has each successfully completed all of the necessary safety training involved.
We provide the extra service required to maintain a clean and pleasant environment such as carpet cleaning and hard floors maintenance, strip and wax, spray buff. We make sure all routine areas and requested areas are cleaned proficiently. We also focus on areas most cleaning services overlook, were bacteria tends to accumulate, such as phones, doors, door handles, light switches, and anything else which may come in direct contact with personnel.
We know a seamless, no-hassle start-up is important to every customer. So at Perfect Next Cleaning Service, we combine up-front preparation and training with strong management and direction to ensure a smooth, successful startup.
We look forward to the opportunity of becoming a trusted and valued partner in improving and maintaining the appearance of your building. Please call if you have any questions, or need additional information before allowing us to give you a quote.
We are currently offering 10% off our first full month of cleaning to all new customers. This won’t last long, so don’t delay. Call us at 0321-407-8202 or mail to learn more.
Farooq Ahmad,
Chief Executive

Contact Us

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