PMT (Pvt.) Ltd Logo

PMT (Pvt.) Ltd

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9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


About Us

PMG is one of the rising business group having the Industrial, electronical and agricultural background who had been involved by providing quality commodities / products and superior services to end consumers.

Whole sale and retail is the core essence of this Group heading by bunch of experts and experienced business personals in board of directors.

PMT (Pvt.) Ltd. is the first company of PMG, started Mobile business under the brand name SYMPHONY, associated with Edison Group, having the ownership for Pakistan territory.

SYMPHONY – a brand of EDISON Group & PMG Group is proud to enjoy indisputable leading position in mobile handset industry. Within short period of time since its introduction at the end of 2008 the brand Symphony has emerged as the fastest growing leading mobile handset brand in Bangladesh, Singapore, Holland, Kenya and etc. Relentless work of the company to ensure exemplary service at all times and ability to provide stable and consistent solutions made Symphony the market leader in the handset segment in 2010. Aggressive pricing strategy, contemporary features & styling, international quality build a strong distribution network and after sales service have contributed to make Symphony Mobile the preferred choice for customers. The core focus of the company is to consistently provide outstanding customer service as it continues to explore new horizons to deliver newer and better solutions to its most valued premium asset, its customers.

Contact Us

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