Qarshi Industries (Pvt.) Ltd Logo

Qarshi Industries (Pvt.) Ltd

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About Us

From humble beginnings in 1968, Qarshi Industries (Pvt.) Ltd., is now Pakistan's largest herbal pharmaceutical company. It was conceptualized 75 years ago by the venerated eastern poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal. Its inception was in the shape of a clinic at Beadon Road in the city of Lahore, in the heart of Punjab, which was opened by Shifa-ul-Mulk Hakim Muhammad Hassan Qarshi, He was a practitioner of herbal medicine and health supplements. The clinic was started with a view to provide pure and effective herbal medicines to the general populace.

In 1968 the youngest son of Shifa-ul-Mulk, Mr. Iqbal Ahmed Qarshi after completing M.S.C in Chemical Engineering, laid the foundations of Qarshi Dawakhana that has now evolved into Qarshi Industries; a modern and successful company that outweighs by far, the expectations of its original founder.

Qarshi Industries is a highly rated company in its category in Pakistan. It has consolidated its image as a quality-conscious company and has, over the years, demonstrated its firm commitment to quality and strict adherence to international standards. Qarshi takes pride in maintaining a high quality in its products and acquiring the latest in advanced technology. It is conscious of the need to improve efficiency and setting new standards of excellence in the competitive pharmaceutical market.

Qarshi Industries (Pvt) Ltd has over 200 natural health food products made from pure herbs and plants. They are produced by maintaining the highest standard of quality and purity. These include health food supplements, medicines, tonics & syrups.

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