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Sasa Metal Industries

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About Us

he company was established in 1978 with a view to promote industrial fans in industry. This is an exciting, fast growing company with a family-friendly atmosphere, a strong dedication to customer satisfaction.
SASA Metal Industries, (Originally Air Control Engineering), was founded in the year 1978. The new born company started its operations from a single room in a building located in one of the most densely populated parts of the sprawling metropolis city of Karachi. Today the company possesses three factories at different locations. The Head Office and Main Manufacturing Plant, built on two industrial plots of 2000 sq. yards, are located in Korangi Industrial Area, which is the second largest industrial zone in Karachi. SASA Metal Industries initially started with manufacturing die-cast aluminum Axial Flow Fans. Following the very basic concept of customer needs and their satisfaction in economic feasibility, the company got tremendous positive response. Based on the response, the company started a new product line of Cooling Towers and allied products. In order to provide more value added products to the customers, sass Metal Industries started in-house balancing facility for optimum performance of its products.The first machine was imported from Germany; this was the latest available at the time, the Vibro-port 30. Later, the Company imported a field balancing machine from the same manufacturer. Today SASA Metal Industries has more than seven units of varying capacities from the world’s renowned brands. Presently the company is involved in the manufacturing of Industrial & Commercial Fans & Blowers, Hi- Tech Air Handling Units, Dry & Wet Dust Collectors, Cyclone fate Windows Separators, Air Curtains, Humidifiers, Cooling Towers, Silencers and a variety of other products used in the air control sector.

SASA Metal Industries growth can be attributed to the fact that from the very inception, it has been operating under a policy of constant development by always utilizing some of the most advanced technological systems available. That is why the company now enjoys the designing of its products through internationally recognized design software from America and Europe. A work force of highly qualified engineers, technicians and more than 100 skilled and semi-skilled workers make sass Metal Industries one of the largest organizations in the air movement industry in Pakistan.

Air Curtain, Pressure Dia Casted axial fan for extracting heat, smokes, temperature maintenance, Ventilation Units, Air Handling Unit, Centrifugal Fans, Etc.


Sasa Metal industry in Karachi sells high quality HVAC products all over Pakistan. Its all products are manufactured from high quality material and have a long life span. Now, you can make your indoor space airy and comfortable by using Sasa metal quality products.

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