Shajar Capital Pakistan (Pvt) Limited Logo

Shajar Capital Pakistan (Pvt) Limited

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9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


About Us

Shajar Capital Pakistan (Private) Limited (formerly Burj Capital Pakistan (Private) Limited) has a strong team of analysts, salesmen and traders in Pakistan who deliver high quality services in a regional distribution network. SCPL’s research covers a wide range of sectors and companies in Pakistan. In-depth, insightful & timely research is the backbone of our services to investment professionals and the investment public. Our analysts have close contacts with major corporate issuers, trade & industry associations as well as regulatory authorities & ministries which allow us to identify changes in macro-economic, sectoral and specific company performance trends and assess investment implications to alert clients with actionable ideas.

SCPL also holds membership of Fund Managers Association of Pakistan. The money market desk is actively involved in interbank and public debt markets. The desk provides full range of services such as arrangement / placement of funds under repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, security lending and borrowing, arrangement of funds under call and dollar / rupee swaps etc.

Commodities have lately emerged as the alternate investment avenue in the capital markets of Pakistan. SCPL holds membership of PMEX. SCPL ended the previous year as the Top PMEX Broker in terms of value traded and was ranked 3rd in terms of contracts traded.


Shajar Capital Pakistan (Private) Limited (formerly Burj Capital Pakistan (Private) Limited) is amongst the leading non-bank capital market players of Pakistan.

Contact Us

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