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Sheeba's Play Place

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About Us

Our philosophy:

We understand the level of trust you place in us when you enroll your child in “Sheeba’s Play Place”, and we are committed to providing the very best of care and early education possible to your child.

The world of caring:

Toddlers are experiencing the world in exciting new ways as they begin walking, talking, exploring on their own, and playing together – “Sheeba’s Play Place” curriculum ensures that each and every day is filled with interesting things to see and do. We will work with you to provide specialized support for your child. The combination of an "enriched Learning Environment" and "Personalized Care" will help toddlers grow with confidence, build self-esteem and provide a solid foundation for successful learning in the years ahead.

Welcome to your child’s first classroom:

Now more then ever, researchers are confirming that children do their most important learning between the age of 12 months to 3 years, that is why in addition to lots of love and attention, everything we do at "Sheeba’s Play Place" involves early childhood development.

Contact Us

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