Sindh Cities Improvement Program Logo

Sindh Cities Improvement Program

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9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


About Us

Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program (SCIP) is ADB assisted US$ 400 million infrastructure and service delivery reform program which aims to improve water supply, wastewater management, and solid waste management (SWM) services in participating 20 secondary cities through establishment of government-owned , professionally managed Urban Services Corporations ; urban sector reforms and investment in water supply, wastewater and solid waste management infrastructure.

GoS through Program Support Unit (PSU), Planning and Development Department (P&DD) has initiated reforms and investment in Northern Sindh with a cluster of six participating TMAs (Sukkur, New Sukkur, Rohri, Khairpur, Shikarpur and Larkan). These six TMAs have joined together to establish the North Sindh Urban Service Cooperation (NSUSC) under the Pakistan Companies Ordinance 1984. GoS through PSU, P&D Department will roll out SCIP to cover the secondary cities through the establishment of two more urban services corporations in central and southern parts of the province for improvement in infrastructure and service delivery integrated with urban sector institutional reforms.

Sindh Cities Improvement Program (SCIP) amis to improve the urban infrastructure and services, urban environment, public health and create economic opportunities for the residents of Sindh Province through an integrated program of reforms and investments so as to improve urban services delivery. The SCIP Investment Program also seeks to improve the quality, coverage and reliability of Water Supply, Wastewater Management and Solid Waste Management services for an estimated 4 million residents in participating secondary cities in Sindh Province

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