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The Punjab School

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About Us

It was in mid 80’s that Syed lhsan Ullah Waqas and Mr Liaqat Baioch, the founder members of The Makkah Foundation and eminent social workers, realized the need for setting up a superior quality school that could provide quality education to the children of indigent and lower middle class at an affordable expense. A piece of land measuring 66 kanals, in a comparatively underdeveloped area of Southern Lahore, was purchased in 1989, by the Foundation from the Department of Housing & Physical Planning, Govt of the Punjab. The ground breaking ceremony of the Foundation’s first educational venture, the Township Campus, was held on 14th August 1990. This School took a modest start with Preschool, Junior & Girls High School In April 1992 and Boys High School in April 1994 in three blocks of single-storey buildings. During the period of nine years, after Its inception, some more philanthropists and social workers joined hands towards promoting this cause that enabled us to add a separate block of Junior School, another storey of preschool, and two floors each of Boys and Girls Schools in addition to constructing a multipurpose hall and a swimming pool.

By 2001, the School had become one of the leading schools of Lahore. Encouraged by this success, the Foundation extended the educational facilities to Kot Khawaja Saeed, another educationally backward area of Northern Lahore. School followed school in quick succession; the third school of the chain, established in Johar Town, went functional in 2007 and the fourth campus in Gujranwala became operational in April 2010. The fifth school of the chain, another a state-of-the-art campus spreading over an area of 52 kanals at went operative in 2013.

Our students have produced commendable results in the matriculation examinations during the past many years. One of our students Ms Asma Masood secured 3rd position in 2004. Achievement in the Year 2005 was epoch-making, when one of our girl students Ms Ayesha Iqbal topped the Board. The results of 2006 were even more historic when one of our students, Muhammad Suhaib Haider Naqvi topped all the eight Education Boards of the Punjab and another luminary, Muhammad Umer Alam, secured 3rd position in Science Group (Boys) in Lahore Board. The Board results of 2007 were no less an achievement, as one of our girl students, Ms Iqra Jalal, secured third position in the Board in Humanities Group. A girl student of the Township Campus got 4th position in 2008, missing 3rd position by just one mark. In 2009, a girl student of the Township Campus got 9th position in Science Group.

In the Year 2010, our students had shown remarkable results in the Lahore Board. One of our students, Ms Zabreen Tahir, secured 1018 marks and got overall second position among the boys and girls, whereas another student, Ms Rabia Zahid, secured 978 marks and got overall first position In Humanities Group. Moreover, 4th & 6th positions were also bagged by our students.

n 2011, our students had once again been conspicuous in the Lahore Board as Ms Bushra Shafiq, by securing 980 marks, clinched the overall first position in Humanities Group and Muhammad Fareed Khalid got overall 3rd position in boys and girls of Science Group.

The students of Kot Khawaja Saeed Campus had been displaying immaculate performance in Matriculation examination by producing 100 percent result since 2009. Johar Town Campus in its result of Board Examination 2011, 2012 and 2013 not only produced 100% result but most of the students obtained A+ and A grades. Moreover, Ms Iman Fatima secured 3rd position in the Board Examination 2013 by obtaining 1024 marks in Science Group. In the Year 2014, the matriculation result of all the campuses of “The Punjab School” remained outstanding and most of the students achieved A+ and A grades. Moreover, 8th position was also bagged by our student Ms Esha Arshad. The Year 2015, was also remarkable because all the campuses of “The Punjab School” produced 100% result and percentage of A+ and A grades remained higher than before.

Our students have had a brilliant track record of achievements in co-curricular activities. Recent years have a long tall tale of victories of our swimmers and debaters. Our swimmers have the honour of winning Inter-school Championships from 2008 to 2010, 2012 and 2013.


The Punjab School established in 1992 in Township under the auspices of Makka Foundation, stands out as one of the most prestigious chains of schools, which has gained singular recognition through its meritorious results during its short history, in tough competition with already established and most reputed schools of the province. Now it has developed into a complete educational system and the management has established its other two campuses at Kot Khawaja Saeed and Johar Town, in continuation and extension of its policy to promote quality education at affordable expense to all strata of the society.Primary aim of education is to develop the intellectual level of a child by stimulating his / her capacity of thinking, reasoning, analyzing through reading, and writing, listening and speaking skills. Memorizing things without understanding does not promote comprehension. We plan to give our children the first wholesome experience of joining the world of protected environment under the umbrella of academically qualified and professionally experienced teachers for comprehensive development of personality.

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