Tron Global (Private) Limited Logo

Tron Global (Private) Limited

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9:00 AM – 7:30 PM
9:00 AM – 7:30 PM
9:00 AM – 7:30 PM
9:00 AM – 7:30 PM
9:00 AM – 7:30 PM
9:00 AM – 7:30 PM


About Us

Our roots in this industry dates back to 1980, started as a customs clearing company. Which over the time has gone through natural growth, resulting in the foundation of freight forwarding division in the year 1998. Ultimately, this business was incorporated under the name and title of 'Tron Global Private Limited'. We have our head office at the heart of city of Lahore and coincidently the area where other major freight forwarding companies are located.

We are among the very a few companies in Pakistan that have as deep roots in this industry as we do. This is because, there are very a few companies around that have gone through the same business cycle of growth as we did. It won't be an overstatement, that we are among the two or three companies here, who are as professional in customs brokerage as are in freight and logistics. Customs Clearance is one of the most technical and uphill tasks in Pakistan, due to excessive taxation and complex customs duty structure. A success of a trading company in Pakistan depends more on its customs broker than a freight forwarder in addition to other obvious business factors.

Our company has been serving the industry for over 30 years now. Which is a milestone of both prestige and honor. During the past 30 years, we have served hundreds of both small and big enterprises. Whether they are commercial or industrial companies. From used computer importers in Hafeez Center to industrial giants such as Nishat. We have built our company as a reputable imports customs clearing agents and freight forwarder in every major market and importing items, such as Shah Alam Market, Badmi Bagh Market (auto parts etc), Nisther Road (textile parts, bearings, mechanical parts and machinery), Hafeez Center (used computers and mobile phones), Ferozepur Road, (Ceramic tiles and home interiors), Hall Road, Solar power, LED lights, Garments, etc etc.

Contact Us

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