Trust Investment Bank Limited Logo

Trust Investment Bank Limited

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About Us

Established in 1992, Trust Bank is one of the largest investment banks in the country with branches in Punjab, Sind and NWFP. Trust Bank holds one of the largest lease portfolios in the country, while offering a range of financial products & services i.e. Trade Finance, Factoring, Term Loans, Investment Advisory services, Syndication and Trusteeship services etc. Trust Bank takes pride in being the only investment bank serving clientele in urban centers like Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad & Islamabad as well as smaller towns like Multan & Peshawar. Trust Bank has had several opportunities to work closely with other local as well as international financial institutions that gives confidence to deliver large local or foreign currency syndications. Trust Bank also offers a wide range of fixed term deposits and services to help institutions manage their funds and optimize returns.

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