Universal Fire Protection (PVT) Ltd Logo

Universal Fire Protection (PVT) Ltd

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About Us

Our Company is one of the well-known fire fighting equipment company in Pakistan which provide repairing and maintenance of Fire Alarm System, Fire extinguishers, Hose Reels and Hose Boxes, sirens for alarming fixed automatic extinguishing system and refilling of all types of fire extinguishers.

In an emergency, a fire extinguishers can be able to save your life. We offer Fire Extinguishers in Karachi to save your life since having the proper type of fire extinguisher in the right area is crucial whether you work in an office building, commercial,warehouse environment, industrial site, or even your own home.

- Fire Extinguishers
- Firex Fire Extinguishers
- Fire Sprinkle systems
- Fire Hydrant system
- Breathing apparatus
- Safety Gloves
- Fire Fighting Suits
- CCTV camera system and much more.


Our Company is one of the well-known fire fighting equipment company in Pakistan which provide repairing and maintenance of Fire Alarm System, Fire extinguishers, Hose Reels and Hose Boxes, sirens for alarming fixed automatic extinguishing system and refilling of all types of fire extinguishers.

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