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XCLENT is the pioneer of manufacturing Motion furniture in Pakistan. Since its founding in 1995, Xclent is the only company in Pakistan which manufactures customized Motion furniture such as Recliners, Glider-Recliners, Motorized Recliners, Motorized Lift Recliners, Sofa Recliners, Bed Cum Sofa. In our Motion furniture, the mechanisms and springs are imported from the leading company of U. S. A and Motors are imported from top of the line manufacturers of Motors from Germany. Xclent is once again pioneer in introducing HEALTH & BEAUTY Technology from U. S. A. Our products are imported with U. S. A brand name of Xclent. Some of our main products are Massage Recliners (Various Models), Squeezo Massage, Eye Massago, Infro Blood Massago, Car Seato Massago, Feeto Roll Massage, Necko Massage, Seato Back Massage, Infra Back Massago, Multi Rub Massago & many more. All our products are fully warranted for one year and after Sales & Service for life time.

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