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Xpert Kitchen Appliances

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About Us

General Marketing Services (GMS) is a recognized name and a marketing leader in the business of Gas and Electrical Appliances throughout Pakistan. By the grace and will of ALLAH we are a trusted name and have been in the market for over 25 years.

We are making great efforts to market products with attractive design, high quality and reasonable price to satisfy our customers. And for this reason our company has gained favorable appraisal from customers and that is because of the reliable quality and performance of the gas & electronic products we market.


Xpert Appliances understands the importance of giving back to consumers,We are committed to ongoing research and development.

Our vision is to be the best appliance company in the world as measured by customers, employees, and shareholders. While the pace of innovation and the number of product launches have increased in recent years, demands placed on products have become more rigorous.



has been designing products since 2002 and has grown into a large company having branches in UAE, China, Turkey and Pakistan. Xpert Appliances made in Turkey and China.

Xpert Appliances contains wide range of ultra modern kitchen appliances.Every product is built on the pillars of safety, innovation, durability and trust, making the brand the first choice in millions of homes. At our stores, users are given various options and services which are unique only to the Xpert Appliances.

The brand promise is to provide the top quality products at unbeatable prices.

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