Zi Solar (Private) Limited Logo

Zi Solar (Private) Limited

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10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM


About Us

Zi SOLAR (Pvt) Limited is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) for the primary purpose of providing Solar Power Solutions in Pakistan.

Given the dire need of clean power in Pakistan, Zi SOLAR is fully focused towards providing cost-effective and reliable Solar Power Solutions to residential customers, commercial organizations and industries, as well as providing an alternative source of power generation for the grid.

Despite gaining tremendous popularity the world over, Solar Power has not yet been able to achieve its deserved penetration in Pakistan’s energy market, primarily due to the popular belief that it is not an affordable source of energy due to high initial capital investment. Many are not aware about its insignificant Operational & Maintenance Cost. The fact is that with no rotary equipment involved, once properly worked out, carefully designed and professionally installed, Solar Power Solution can prove to be reliable and very affordable in the long term.

As we convert power of the sun into electricity, after the initial installation cost of the system, the electricity acquired is practically free. The sun is almost a constant – it will always be there and is, therefore, a reliable and eternally renewable source of energy. Fossil fuel-based energy solutions (Oil and Gas) are not only a burden on our import bill and economy, these are also a significant source of pollution and Carbon Injection into the environment. Through Solar Solutions, we can improve not only the country’s economy, but its environment as well.

Zi SOLAR has been launched in Pakistan to ensure that the major equipment of Solar Power is sourced from the world’s most reputed names in the field. For each and every application, an engineering-based solution is designed and provided. Extreme care is exercised to ensure that execution is done as per international standards and specifications.

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